Showing posts from 2020
3ESO Biology. Geology Quiz
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Geology Quiz Answer these questions in your books using what you learnt with your teacher. :) 1. Endogenous geological processes are (choose the correct one): - Produced by the Earth's internal energies. - Produced by the Earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere. 2. What two effects does both geological processes have on the Earth? 3. What is the name of rocks made by Tectonic forces and internal energy transforming sedimentary and igneous rocks? (choose the correct one): - Igneous Rock - Metamorphic Rock - Sedimentary Rock 4. What is the name of the cycle that creates igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks? 5 . Name the three types of Plate Boundaries. 6. What causes earthquakes? What happens?
1ESO Biology. Microorganisms Review.
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1ESO Biology. Microorganisms Review. Read the following descriptions of organisms and identify which kingdom they belong to out of those studied in Unit 7: Monerans (bacteria), Protist (Algae and Protozoa) or Fungi (Yeasts, Moulds and Mushroom-forming fungi). a) I transform milk into yoghurt. b) I am prokaryotic and I need light to survive. c) I am a member of phytoplankton and I have a nucleus. d) I hide underground and I only go out to reproduce. e) Despite being unicellular, I feed by preying on other organisms, and I have a nucleus. Add one more description and challenge your classmates to guess them.
3ESO Biology. Reproduction (Gestation and childbirth)
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1ESO Biology and Geology.
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1ESO Biology and Geology. Summery 1. Here is an activity on your last unit for you guys to complete. 😁 The Biosphere 1.- Complete the text with the following words: nucleus, functions, substances, information, water, cells, organelles, membrane, structure, cytoplasm. All _______________________ have the following common basic _______________________: Cells have a wall called the cell _______________________ or the plasma membrane. Through it, the cell exchanges _______________________ with its external environment. Inside the cell we find the _______________________, filled with a liquid that is mainly _______________________. Here we find the _______________________, which perform different cellular _______________________. Genetic material (DNA) has the _______________________ needed to control the cell functions. In prokaryotic cells, DNA is found within the cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells, it is inside the _______________________. 2.- Match each plant cell o...
2ESO & 4ESO Maths: Shapes
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2ESO & 4ESO Maths: Shapes Here are some games to test your knowledge on shapes as well as your English vocabulary on shapes. 1. Sorting 2-D shapes on a Venn diagram - Choose two conditions and sort the 2-D shapes 2. Sorting 2-D Shapes on a Carroll diagram - Sort the 2-D shapes in four conditions 3. Sorting 3-D Shapes on a Venn diagram - Choose two conditions and sort the 3-D shapes
3ESO BIOLOGY. The Reproductive System
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3ESO Biology. The Reproductive System Read and do what your teacher sets you to do. When you think you know everything in English, take these three quizzes to test your knowledge. 1st quiz - Changes during puberty - Pick which changes happen to either Male/Female/both 2nd quiz - The Male Reproductive System - Match the terms to the correct image on the diagram 3rd quiz - The Female Reproductive System - Match the terms to the correct image on the diagram
2ESO Maths - Treasure Hunt
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2ESO Coordinates game 2! Treasure Hunt! - Click Here! Using Coordinates, you need to find the treasure on the grid! Entre the coordinates. It will tell you how many steps away you are from the treasure Use these clues to find the treasure. For all 4 quadrants - go to Level 3! go to settings on the top right corner click 'Level 3' Then click 'In the current window' Good Luck!
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2ºESO TECHNOLOGY. IDENTIFYING STRUCTURES Structural elements in a house Pillars - These are subjected to a compression stress . 2. Beams - These are subjected to a flexion stress. 3. Arches - These are subjected to a compression stress 4. Tie rods - These are subjected to a traction stress. 5. Steel Profiles - These are subjected to a traction stress.